How to Make Moving Home Less Stressful
Moving home can be an emotional time. While you may be sad to leave your old home, you may also be looking forward to moving into your new one. Finding the ideal home for you and your family can be a challenging experience, and just when you think you have it all figured out and have signed all the documents, the most trying part of all begins: moving!
With a little forethought, you can help alleviate some of the stress of moving day and make moving to your new home a more pleasurable experience.
Start Now
If you are reading this blog, you probably have a moving date coming up, are actively looking for a new home, or are at least thinking about moving. It is never too early to begin getting ready to move. Decluttering is always the best place to start. Everyone enjoys a little procrastination, and it’s easy to believe that you have plenty of time, but the sooner you deal with all of your excess belongings, the less anxious you will be later on because there will be less to pack.
Get ahead
If you really don’t want to part with any of your possessions but know you won’t need them before moving, seize the chance to start packing and put those items in a box, tucked out of the way, so that they are ready to move.
Will your furniture fit in your new home? Finding out now will be less stressful than finding out on moving day and will save you from spending money to move furniture you can’t keep. See if a family member is willing to keep any items you have a sentimental attachment to until you move again. If not, consider it an opportunity to start fresh in your new house.
Label it
It will be simpler for the removal company (or you) to know which room to put each box in on moving day if you clearly label each box with its destination and contents. Clear labelling will also make it simpler to locate items if you need them last-minute and have already packed them. The same applies if you need something in your new house before you’ve finished unpacking.
The night before
Put all of your important paperwork, identity documents, daily medications, toiletries, chargers, and an extra set of clothes in a bag. Make sure your bag contains everything you’ll need to be able to spend the first night in your new house comfortably. You may find that you’re too exhausted on the first evening at your new home to begin unpacking.
Try to relax
It can be stressful on moving day. Avoid adding unnecessary stress by setting goals for how soon you must unpack or what time you want to arrive, as delays can happen. You will be far more resilient and consequently less stressed if any hiccups occur if you go into the day with a relaxed mindset. Just imagine how you will feel when you are settled in your lovely new home at the end of the day, and use that feeling to get you through the stresses of the day.
If you are thinking of moving in Sheffield and Rotherham and would like more advice on moving home then please do give me a call on 07920 097 175 or send an email to